10 Jul

The morning felt a bit chilly and the wind was getting stronger and stonger. Me and my housemates were all ready and waiting for the surf van to pick us up, but a bit hesitant to how the weather would evolve during the day. When we jumped in the car our surf teacher told us we were going to check out Rocky Point, a surf spot right in front of the center of Corralejo and the town beaches. Rocky Point is a small piece of sand beach but once you get into the water it is a reef break meaning a rocky, sharp and edgy seabed.
As we got to Rocky Point the weather had already turned crazy. As we were warming up on the beach the hefty winds threw sand in our eyes (and in my contacts…ouch!) and the heaviest rainfall I experienced on Fuerteventura happened exactly at that moment making it feel like it was raining sideways. We were all happy to get into the water as it felt much warmer that the wind and rain on land!
The surf teacher gave us strict guidelines on how to proceed in the water and out to the lineup. Because of the rocky and uneven seabed we had to follow one central line marked by the tallest palm tree on shore when getting out. The waves were not too big but not small either and they came along with nice intervals. Once we had paddled out far enough ready to catch a wave the horizon was gray and I guess the view of tiny heads bobbing in the wild and gray waters did not seem like an ideal day of surf to people walking by on the beach. But my, oh my, how those passers by were wrong!!!
Already at my first attempt I managed to catch a wave and get up standing and actually surfing all the long way in towards the shore! And I repeated this many many many times that day. I felt amazing. Like such a winner! I had stopped noticing the weather by then because I was having too much fun. And when the surf instructor signed to us a few hours later that it was time to go I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want the surf session to end. It was my best surf ever!
AND luckily the surf photographer managed to snap a few nice pics of me for the rest of the world to see, before he had to leave because of the weather. See: I can surf!
By Monica Gren